Carina Mems
  • Marquette, MI
  • United States
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At 5:16pm on November 2, 2024, Carina Mems said…
A lot of business owners, retirees and financial advisers believe in gold to be the number one protection against inflation. For thousands of years, gold has been a store of value, helping people to preserve the money they have earned. Gold, also has real world uses in electronics, semi-conductors and industrial manufacturing processes. In comparison to Paper Money, the key attribute that allows gold to act as a real store of value, is the inability of anyone to print gold into existence, the way paper money or polymer money can be printed into existence; gold must first be mined from the earth and refined.
At 1:08am on November 1, 2024, Carina Mems said…
A lot of business owners, retirees and financial advisers believe in gold to be the number one protection against inflation. For thousands of years, gold has been a store of value, helping people to preserve the money they have earned. Gold, also has real world uses in electronics, semi-conductors and industrial manufacturing processes. In comparison to Paper Money, the key attribute that allows gold to act as a real store of value, is the inability of anyone to print gold into existence, the way paper money or polymer money can be printed into existence; gold must first be mined from the earth and refined.
At 1:17am on October 23, 2024, Carina Mems said…
A lot of business owners, retirees and financial advisers believe in gold to be the number one protection against inflation. For thousands of years, gold has been a store of value, helping people to preserve the money they have earned. Gold, also has real world uses in electronics, semi-conductors and industrial manufacturing processes. In comparison to Paper Money, the key attribute that allows gold to act as a real store of value, is the inability of anyone to print gold into existence, the way paper money or polymer money can be printed into existence; gold must first be mined from the earth and refined.

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